SME: Backwards Design Template
This template is used to work with the SME on the backwards design of the course. All assessments that are to be used within the course are started here. This aligns with the course objectives and course description that are provided to the SME.
View PDFSME: Resources Template
Once the Backwards Design Template has been approved by all stakeholders, the SME is given access to this template. They fill in all required resources for course content: readings, videos, simulations, etc., making sure that all outside sources are properly linked and cited in APA format.
View PDFSME: Canvas Template
The final step for the SME is completing the Canvas template. Prior to the completion of this template the information from the Resources Template is filled in by the Instructional Designer. With a final approval from the ID and program chair the SME is given access to complete all highlighted fields with additional course content.
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